

SAIC MAXUS to take lead in auto industry in 2017

SAIC MAXUS to take lead in auto industry in 2017

SAIC MAXUS Automotive Co (SAIC MAXUS), an exclusively-invested subsidiary of SAIC Motor Corporation Limited has taken the lead in Chinese automobile industry in 2016, due to its total sales volume and new customer-oriented service pattern.

The company said it will continue to work harder and create new records in 2017.

SAIC MAXUS to take lead in auto industry in 2017

In spite of slow national economic growth, SAIC MAXUS sold 46,123 vehicles in 2016, an increase of 32 percent on the previous year. Even though total exports of Chinese commercial vehicles decreased 23 percent last year, SAIC MAXUS’s commercial vehicle sales increased 47 percent, selling 7,008 vehicles.

Personalized services pattern -- C2B

To provide personalized services for customers, SAIC MAXUS carried out the Consumer to Business (C2B) service pattern in its product brands of pickup truck T60, sports utility vehicle (SUV) D90 and (recreational vehicle) RV80.

SAIC MAXUS to take lead in auto industry in 2017

The T60, as the first vehicle following C2B is equipped with YunOS internet automobile intelligence system, won the five-star rated crash safety design of the Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP), Australasia's leading independent vehicle safety advocate and many other honors.

SAIC MAXUS also opened the C2B platform with discussion, shopping and research functions attracting 400,000 followers and 5,800 orders of brand D90. To further develop the C2B pattern, the company invited customers to take part in the design and text of the automobiles.

Develop MPV and new energy vehicle brands

In 2016, SAIC MAXUS saw an increase of V80, the light passenger vehicle sales volumes of 31 percent than the previous year, for the total sales of 27,550 vehicles; and the growth G10 the multipurpose vehicle (MPV) sales volume of 33 percent than the previous year, for the total sales of 18,573. The company filled the domestic high-end MPV market gap.

SAIC MAXUS to take lead in auto industry in 2017

The company also achieved the increase of 255 percent of the new energy vehicles sales volume than the previous year. Its V80 fuel-cell vehicle and EG10 will reach 3-4 degree of intelligent drive realizing the whole or partial path planning. The small scale production of the fuel-cell vehicle is expected to be operated in the beginning of 2018.

Explore international market

SAIC MAXUS has performed well in international high-end market, exporting to 42 countries and regions. For example, it has delivered the order of 3,000 light passenger vehicles in the UK, the largest order of its kind, and it tops the sales list of Chinese automobile in Australia for high quality.

SAIC MAXUS to take lead in auto industry in 2017

Besides, its products have been the designated cars of the 2016 APEC, G20 Summit and many other conferences.

In 2016, SAIC MAXUS was awarded honor of "National May 1st Labor Certificate" as the only automobile company won such award in Shanghai.

SAIC MAXUS to take lead in auto industry in 2017

According to a manager, SAIC MAXUS will further explore international market, C2B development and new energy R&D to build competitive Chinese automobile brand in 2017.

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